I hate that it’s been so long since I wrote some notes down about the kids, but life happens and instead of wallowing about it, let’s just have a list of random thoughts.
- At bedtime, Emmett likes to sing a jumbled up version of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.” The words don’t come out quite right, but it’s crazy cute. Like a diamond so high."
- After that, he’ll give three goodnight kisses. One on each cheek and then one smack on the lips. Although, recently, he’s been telling us, “Only 2. Mouth is yuck.”
- For a stretch this summer, the kids decided to sleep in the same bad each night. I loved checking in on them, seeing them rest so perfectly with each other.
- One day when Sharon (aka Bonkie) was over, Sophie was looking for her. She called into the room, “Bonkie?” And immediately he answered, “No, I’m Emmett.” It made us all laugh and has become a little saying of ours.
- Sophie now says “litery” when’s she’s trying to say the word, literally. I also like that she’ll occasionally tell us something happened during her day, and she’ll cap it with, “I’m not lying. That really happened.”
- This summer, Sophie brought back her love of playing Uno. She wants to play all the time, and she’s pretty darn good at it! We have to be careful, or else the games takeover dinner. That being said, the phase where she’s got into card games is great. It’s funny for the family to play. For a while, Emmett would "play," but mostly liked to slam the cards down and yell “uno skip!" Recently, we can tell he's been playing in school, because he's getting better with the actual rules and playing the numbers/colors.
- Emmett grew leaps and bounds as a swimmer. At the start of the summer, he was still holding onto us. By late June, he was telling us about how he was putting his head underwater. Come mid-July, he was starting to swim for a second or two on his own. And now, at the end of the summer, he’s swimming from one of us to the other. He is having so much fun, and it’s nice for us to be able to be hands off while still safe.
- This is late to post but, Sophie wrapped up Kindergarten and seemed to really enjoy her first year at the school. She’s learning Spanish, but is still quite early on a lot of vocabulary. She’s got numbers down very well, and it’s been fun to see her interested in adding and subtracting. Now that she's back in school, she's really starting to pick up on math and counting by 5s, then 10s.
- Over the summer, we made trips California, Dallas/Great Wolf Lodge, and Galveston. We were able to do lots of swimming, trips to the beach, visiting friends and family, as overall, give the kids some great experiences.
- Over the spring, Sophie lost both of her front two teeth. It was quite the adjustment seeing her look like an old-school hockey player. Now that her adult ones are coming in, we get to explore the world of orthodontia. Hooray :| She didn't like getting the expander in, but she seems to be used to it now.
- Emmett can spell his name, and as his teachers pointed out, it's nice that he only has to remember three letters.
- One day, Soph came home wanting to do a lemonade stand. One thing about her is when she wants to do something, she makes sure it happens. That Sunday, we had a successful, very hot outside, lemonade stand. So many good lessons - making change, learning about material cost vs profit, marketing by “word of mouth,” and communicating to people to give them the lemonade.
- Birthdays: For Emmett, we once again just had a chill dinner with a handful of his friends. Obviously he's younger, but he isn't as focused on his birthdays as Soph is. She asked to have a gymnastics party this year. Over the years, we've had multiple park parties for her or backyard ones, so this time, we finally did one at a place. She had a great time bringing together her school, camp and pre-school friends.
- As I was adding this photo, I realized "Barbie" must've been the first move we all saw together in a theatre.