Friday, December 4, 2009

A Work Week

Today wrapped up my first week working at ESPN Star Sports (for the rest of the blog referred to as ESS) in Singapore. What a week! ESS is unlike any of the stations I've been lucky enough to be a part of. It really is part of ESPN, but it's taken me a while to realize that. It is the same worldwide leader simply tailored to different interests. Would Arsenal Manager Arsene Wenger's lack of a handshake to Man City' Mark Hughes have been a big story in the US? No of course not, but if Urban Meyer didn't shake Mark Richt's hand it would be (for those not sportos, the first reference was to English Football managers and the second was to American College Football coaches). The end result is the same thing I was always taught in school, give the viewer what they care about.

The ESPN News channel is still fairly new here, so there are still some kinks being worked out. But as with most good newsrooms, it seems like the tasks are given out in ways to streamline the operation. For example, most of this week, I've been working out highlights for the NBA, NHL and NFL. It makes sense and to be honest, really helps my transitioning. It's allowed me to learn the editing and scripting systems without having to learn new sports.

Last bit about work and then I'll move on to the fun stuff and the reason you are probably reading the blog. I love how international the newsroom is. My co-workers are from Malaysia, Australia, England, Brunei, China, America, Canada, India, Singapore of course and many others as well. I've really gotten along with mostly everyone at the station which is a big relief. We all speak the same language, SPORTS (oh yeah, English as well haha). I still have a ways to go with my Football, Cricket and Formula 1 knowledge, but I'll get there. The more I'm around, the more I enjoy it.

Okay, now for the cultural adjustments in the last couple of days. In my last blog, I lamented the fact I'd been eating so much American fast food. How ridiculous, here I am halfway around the world and I've eaten McDonald's twice. I don't eat McD's twice in a month in the US (However, I do not apologize for going to Subway, it was perfect, just like at home{That sounds like I'm Happy Gilmore plugging the 6 inch tuna}). So, I discovered the malls equal food. My problem was that I'd been going downstairs to where the fast food joints were. Upstairs is where the goods are. Most of the malls have food courts upstairs where the food is good, the eating spaces are all super clean and best of all, it's cheap. Last night, I went to one of the malls by the hotel and got a chicken and rice dish with a brown sauce dinner for 4 Dollars Sing. That's $2.80 US. A real meal for that price. I added a bottle of water and was very happy. After dinner, I explored this mall, which of course had only high end stores (I could by 3 dockers shirts for 190 Sing or something like that). I then ended up outside right across the street from the Raffles Hotel. This is the hotel where the Singapore Sling was invented. I didn't end up going over there, but it's on my to do list.

I will say, without a doubt, my two best meals have been home cooked by the Kochs. Raye made delicious chicken, rice, assortment of vegetables and the best part, fresh Challah. Someone must have tipped her off about my love of Challah (she even mixes in pumpkin into it...I'd never thought of that, but it was wonderful). It was so nice to come off of work tonight and be able to go to the Koch's for Shabbos dinner. Yes, I got there at about 9 PM, but we did some blessings and it was nice to have that here. While it may not be the exact right way of doing things, it provided that connection I like so much. When we lit candles, I thought of my mom and how she lights them and tries to envision her triangle of sons. While I didn't make any shapes, the whole time I've been here, I've thought about how fortunate I've been. I have a wonderful girlfriend, an excellent family and friends I can rely on and trust. This is a small world nowadays and it's great that we can all stay connected.

Anyways, that is going to have to wrap up blog number three. My last bit of info is that I'm trying to find a place to live here. It's not the easiest thing, but I know the right place will come along soon.

I hope all is well everyone.


1 comment:

  1. Micahel - so glad to hear things are going well there and you are learning at the higher level that ESPN can bring. Sharon is a great teacher. Love reading the updates. Keep them coming.
