Sunday, July 22, 2018

Sophie Do It

A friend asked me the other day, "When do you stop saying Sophie's age in months?" I think the best answer is once she's two years old. So, in about two months from now, we’ll need another blog.

She's a Talker

Since the last blog, Sophie's vocabulary has definitely expanded.  The first time we noticed she could put two words together is when she said to Bali, "Not nice."  It's a phrase used at her school plenty, and Sophie picked it up.

She has colors mastered, and she's started singing songs.  Her first song was "You are my Sunshine." It’s fun to hear which parts she knows and which ones she doesn’t.

Sophie’s favorite phrase has to be, “Sophie do it.” Yes, she’s become quite the independent young lady and doesn’t want things just handed to her. That means some meals are a bit messier, getting dressed can take longer, but in the end, isn’t this what you want? She’s figuring out how to do things and that’s important.  

Dessert Delights 

Sophie’s favorite food is still fruit, specifically watermelon. This summer, the watermelons we’ve been getting have been particularly good. 

Besides fruit, Sophie enjoys chicken, the occasional brisket and turkey. However, she’s also like many kids, enjoying cheese, pasta and snacks. 

On Shabbat, it’s super cute to hear her ask for challah (which, she’s never shy about asking for). It also puts a huge smile on our faces when she says, “Shabbat Shalom!” Although, now we’re starting to wonder if she knows what that means. Sometimes she says Shabbat Shalom when she knows we’re about to leave a place. 

And this will be a shocker, she likes cookies, cakes and popsicles. We tried to avoid giving her that kind of thing for a while, but it crept in at the daycare and going to birthday parties. You know what though? She’s a kid. Amanda and I decided she should be able to enjoy that kind of thing now. Hopefully, we’re able to balance that type of thing with good choices as she starts to know what’s going on. 

Activities with Soph-a-loaf

Sophie likes to walk, run, investigate, fiddle, play and be a kid. She likes to put things in buckets and go “swimming” in the ball pit. 

On Sunday mornings, we’ve started taking her to a gym class at the JCC. She is able to hang from bars for a decent amount of time. It’s fun watching her attempt the different things and jump on the trampoline. 

Sophie is fairly good at playing on her own. As she talks more, it sounds like she’s explaining to herself what she wants while playing. She has a little shopping cart, and she runs all around the house picking things up and then rolling along. 

When it comes to going on walks at night, sometimes she likes the stroller, sometimes not. When she doesn’t want it, the walks are much shorter. 

Now that she’s almost two, Sophie likes having some responsibility. So, her task everyday is to fill up the food bowl for Bali. She loves using the scoop to get out the food and then carries it carefully to put it down. 

Travel Log 

We went to Austin back in April for a quick visit.  Sophie got to meet her cousin Hale, while also getting to see many of Mommy and Daddy’s friends. 

In early June, we went to Dallas on back to back weekends. Although the trips were quick, they were really nice. We visited both of Sophie’s uncles and their families, while also getting to see many cousins. Plus, there was a surprise visit with cousin Pammy. We’d just finished our Whole30 diet, so it was nice to be able to have freedom over what we ate. The long term fun of this trip is Sophie enjoys saying the names of her cousins now! The one negative of the trip during Father's Day was Sophie suffering something called "Nursemaid's Elbow." Basically, she'd popped her elbow out. Long story short, with the help of a FaceTime session with our pediatrician, I was able to pop it back into place (one of the scariest moments of parenthood for sure)!

We’re just getting back from Sophie’s fourth visit to Los Angeles. This was our first chance getting to stay in the house Gram, Gramp, Aunt Pippa and Jamie bought. It’s very nice, and it’ll be fun to see how they transform it. Aunt Boop Boop came in from San Diego and watched Sophie enjoy the splash pad at Universal Studios. Two other highlights from the trip are lunch with our high school friend, Matt, and our cousin, Jon. The other was going to Laguna Beach to meet up with Jacob, Megan and their baby, Elliott. Sophie really enjoyed the beach and for the first time, she put her feet in ocean water. 

I’m aiming to do another blog when she’s fully two years old. Who knows what we’ll be talking about then, perhaps potty training???

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful post. Thanks for the little peek into the life of Sophie. Loved the pictures too. Love you all.
